Monday, November 19, 2007

Are YOU Ready for CHOGM?

I have been a bit out of touch lately, mostly due to the fact that our office has undergone some technical upgrades. I am happy to report that we now have a very sophisticated internet connection and office network that will allow me to better keep up with this blogging business.

This week is a big week for Uganda on the international scene. The State House is hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Kampala starting on Friday, of which the Queen of England will be attending. Thus, Uganda has undergone some heavy duty beautification projects over the last few months in preparation for her arrival. I can remember talks of CHOGM on the radio and in the paper since I arrived in country in March. From what I can gather, the Queen had boycotted coming to Uganda since the time of Idi Amin due to some unfriendly comments the former dictator had to say about her and her country. Therefore, the government of Uganda has been bending over backwards to welcome her after so many years. I have to admit, Uganda is looking quite fabulous for Her Majesty!

"Are you ready for CHOGM?" has been the slogan of the event and its plastered all over taxi buses, billboards, posters, and newspapers throughout the country. It is an international forum of the 'voluntary association of independent sovereign states, consulting and co-operating in the common interests of their peoples and in the promotion of international understanding and world peace.' The sovereign state is represented by the heads of government of the UK as well as the heads of government of the former colonies. The Queen will arrive on Friday, yet many heads of state have already arrived as they are having meetings to discuss better collaboration between the commonwealth countries as well as having a people's forum to discuss issues pertinent to the Ugandan people. CHOGM is held once every two years, with the venue changing every time. The president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, made a speech last night that expressed his devotion to Ugandan development and environmental conservation. I hope that many good things come out of the meeting and that Uganda does committ itself to increasing efforts towards protecting the natural beauty of this country.

For more CHOGM info, check out


Unknown said...

This may be a random message to leave, but I found your webpage when searching for Peace Corps Uganda. I was a PC vol a few years back, and was in Uganda in 2006 doing some vol work. Since that time, we've started a wiki online that has the full Uganda curriculum - this was based on talks we had with students and teachers while there. The site is called OLiVER Project -
My hope is that education and/or IT volunteers currently in Uganda may want to work to expand this, get it into schools, etc. - maybe even for a secondary project. Not sure if this is your area, but if not, perhaps you can pass it along to other volunteers or pass their information to me.

I enjoyed reading your blog - reminds me a lot of my trip to uganda...and also of my old PC days.


Rick said...

olivia! i knew you'd be ready...

Unknown said...

You're back! (I hope I can figure out how to post comments. For some reason my computer is translating all the directions into Japanese)