So it has been raining non-stop here for the last 3 days. I have had to wade through rapids to walk to work. Its an awesome feeling to step onto the dirt road outside my place and feel yourself sink 3 inches down into the mud. And what tickels my pickle is the fact that my water has been off the last two days? I would think with all of this rain that the reserves would be overflowing. I like the hour before it rains though: the sky gets this blue-gray haze as the clouds roll in, and then the breeze picks up, all the humidity is zapped from the air, the cows start lowing, and the goats all run towards and fight over who gets to stand on the biggest anthill. I think that is my favorite part: watching the goats headbut eachother over and over again trying to be the king of the muddy red anthill castle. The kids think that I am crazy when they see me walking with my umbrella to town. When it rains, the streets pretty much clear out, making me even more of a spectacle than usual as I carry my zebra print umbrella to town. They yell, Mizungu, mizungu, but it is raining! I smile, nod and keep walking briskly to town. The rain is nice because it keeps the ever-present dust down. With all of the petroleum trucks passing through on their way from Kenya, the dust is most of the time unavoidable. Covers everything. I have learned that wearing white is not the best idea, seeing as how I do all of my laundry by hand. Oh well, live and learn I guess! I just hope that it stops raining before my time at the internet cafe is up. I'm don't know how much I want to show off my rafting skills on my walk to the supermarket today.
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